C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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// STRDEMO.CXX - demo file for C++ String class.
// member functions are provided to do almost all common string manipulations
// including: assignment, comparison, concatenation,
// finding substrings, finding any of a series of letters
// extracting substrings, removing from middle
// tokenize string in components
// trimming whitespace in several different ways
// (ie: from end only, from whole string,
// duplicate whitespace only, etc...)
// translating upper/lower case or arbitrary translation.
// find and replace operations.
// Case sensitivity can be turned on or off for any of the functions.
// The sizes of the string buffers are taken care of automatically.
// To compile and link, construct a project file
// that includes WTS.LIB ( windows lib for wmalloc() function ).
// STRPPS.LIB ( lib with a all string plus plus routines )
// strdemo.cpp (this module)
// D Blum 8/90
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "wtwgpp.h"
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#pragma argsused // allows us to ignore argv without a warning
int main ( int argc, char **argv)
winit ('T'); // for memory allocation routines.
if ( argc > 1 )
cout<< "String demo run with caseSens flag turned ON\n";
String::caseSens = ON;
cout<< "String demo run with caseSens flag turned OFF\n"
<< "To run with caseSens turned ON, supply any parameter\n";
// OFF is default.
// constructing and comparing strings.
// NOTE differences between upper and lower case.
// NOTE sometimes referring to Strings and sometimes to char *
String apples("apples");
String Apples("Apples");
String oranges("oranges");
String Oranges("Oranges");
if ( apples < Oranges ) cout<<"apples are less than Oranges. ";
else cout<<"Oranges are less than apples. ";
if ( Apples == "apples" ) cout<<"Apples and apples are the same\n";
else cout<<"Apples and apples are not the same\n";
// CONCATENATE 3 Strings and assign results to another string.
// NOTE mixing Strings with traditional 'strings' which are just char*
String MixedFruit = apples + " & " + oranges;
MixedFruit += "\n";
cout << " Concatenation: " << MixedFruit ;
String nowtime("Now time for all good men");
String forall("is the ");
nowtime.insert ( forall, 4 );
cout << "\nString insertion: " << nowtime << "\n";
// the source String nowtime is unchanged. a new String is created,
// the address of the new String is returned by String::substring()
// NOTE: the cout operator << can use either a String or a &String.
// so you can use ptrs to Strings or Strings themselves.
// NOTE: you must explicitly delete the String created by substring()
// or it will persist till the end of the program.
String *Sptr;
Sptr = nowtime.substring( 7,5 ); // creates a new String.
cout << "Substring: (\"the t\") "<< Sptr <<"\n";
delete Sptr; // IMPORTANT! you must delete
// functions in the String class include find() findAny() findNot()
// similar to ANSI C functions strchr(), strstr(), strpbrk(), etc...
// but these are easier to use, and all of them obey String::caseSens
String fs = "Now is the time for all good men";
String St = "TIME";
int st_pos = fs.find (St); // could also use: fs.find("TIME");
if ( st_pos == -1 )
cout<< "uppercase TIME not found in text: " << fs << "\n";
cout << "The position of TIME in: Now is the time... is(11) "
<< st_pos << "\n";
// find a vowel using findAny, which returns position of the vowel.
// and use the index operator [] to retrieve the vowel itself
st_pos = fs.findAny("AEIOU");
cout <<"The first vowel in \"Now is the time...\" is ";
if ( st_pos == -1 ) cout << "NO CAPITAL VOWELS FOUND";
else cout << fs[st_pos];
// tokenize() allows you to break a string up into parts.
// each part is placed in a new String, the original is broken down.
// NOTE: 1) the separator chars are lost.
// 2) the search for separator chars obeys String::caseSens
// 3) the newly created Strings must be explicitly deleted.
cout <<"\nTokenizing...NOTE + signs replace any tokens.\n";
while ( fs != NULL )
Sptr = fs.tokenize ("AEIOU"); // tokenize() returns a &String
cout<< Sptr <<"+"; // (NOTE << passes &String
delete Sptr; //... which must be deleted
cout << "\n";
// TRIM() and SQUEEZE() remove unwanted chars from string
// most useful for removing whitespace.
// NOTE both squeeze and trim shorten the string.
fs = "Many small letters x, y and z at the end: xxxyzzzyyyx";
cout << fs;
cout << "\nXYZ removed from end of string: " << fs.trim("XYZ") << "\n";
cout << "All XYZ removed wherever found: " << fs.squeeze("XYZ") << "\n";
// noExtra() can simplify the distribution of whitespace in a String.
// noExtra(str) compresses all multiple occurence of chars from str
// and replaces the first occurence with the first char.
char *whitespace = " \r\n\t"; //NOTE space is first char provided.
fs = "String \twith\nimproved \r white\t\t\tspace";
cout << "\nOriginal whitespace: " << fs;
cout << "\nSimplify whitespace: " << fs.noExtra (whitespace) << "\n";
// TRANSLATE() exchanges chars from 1 translate table with another
// There are functions toUpper() and toLower() as well.
// ie: String X="abcdef"; X.toUpper();
// NOTE caseSens flag controls translation.
fs = "Old MacDonald Had A Farm";
cout<< "Original: " << fs << "\n";
cout<< "Encoded: "
<< fs.translate ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"12345678901234567890123456" ) << "\n";
// REPLACE() find all occurences of char *orig in String,
// replace each occurence with char *replace.
// NOTE 1) caseSens, also,
// 2) lengths of orig and replace don't need to be equal.
// (the String length is adjusted for you.)
fs = "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.";
cout << fs.replace ( "a horse", "two giraffes" ) << "\n";
// with apologies to W.S.
return 0; // main()
//------------------- end of STRDEMO.CPP --------------------------//